678 Fotografie originali in vendita:
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Gatti, cani, cavalli, pesci, uccelli... Sapevi che gli zoologi stimano che ci siano 7,77 milioni di specie animali sulla Terra? Milioni di ispirazione per i fotografi! Animali domestici, animali da fattoria, animali selvatici o animali esotici, tutti gli animali hanno caratteristiche fisiche uniche che li rendono affascinanti soggetti iconografici da fotografare per l'Artista! Jim Brandenbur, David Doubilet, David Maitland, Stefano Unterthiner, Vincent Munier... Tanti nomi famosi della fotografia animale che hanno reso omaggio con stile ai nostri amici a 4 zampe!
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Discover contemporary Animal Photographs on Artmajeur
Contemporary Animal Photographs are a form of original artwork that captures the beauty and essence of animals in the modern era. This type of art is created using various types of supports, such as canvas, metal, and acrylic, and materials, including ink, pigment, and resin. What makes contemporary animal photographs unique is that they are not just simple snapshots but rather carefully crafted compositions, with attention paid to lighting, composition, and colors.
Origins and History
Contemporary animal photographs emerged during the 19th century, when photography became a popular art form. Early animal photographers such as Eadweard Muybridge and George Shiras III used the camera to capture the beauty and complexity of the animal kingdom. Over the years, animal photography has evolved to become an important tool for conservation and education, with photographers such as Nick Brandt and Joel Sartore using their work to raise awareness about endangered species.
Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market
Contemporary animal photography has evolved in recent years to become a vital part of the contemporary art market. Photographers are exploring new techniques and pushing the boundaries of traditional animal photography. The focus is on capturing animals in their natural habitats and behaviors, rather than staging them in a studio. This has given rise to a more honest and authentic representation of animals, which is resonating with art collectors and animal lovers alike. Contemporary animal photographs are also raising awareness of animal conservation and the importance of protecting our natural world. The market for these photographs is growing, with collectors seeking out unique and powerful images that capture the beauty and complexity of the animal kingdom. As a result, contemporary animal photography is becoming an essential part of the art world, bridging the gap between art and nature.
Related Famous Artists
Contemporary animal photography has been a popular subject matter in recent years, attracting a diverse group of artists.
One such artist is known for capturing the beauty and grace of wild animals in their natural habitats. His striking images are composed with a keen eye for detail and a deep respect for the creatures he photographs.
Another artist is known for her surreal and dreamlike depictions of animals, often incorporating fantastical elements that blur the line between reality and imagination. Her work is hauntingly beautiful and evocative, inviting viewers to explore their own subconscious.
Yet another artist takes a more documentary approach, using his photographs to shed light on the plight of endangered species and the devastating effects of human activity on the natural world. His images are both powerful and poignant, serving as a wake-up call for viewers to take action and protect the planet we call home.
Whether capturing the majesty of a lion on the African savannah, the ethereal beauty of a jellyfish in the ocean depths, or the heartbreaking reality of a rhino facing extinction, these artists use their talents to celebrate and preserve the natural world around us.
Notable contemporary Animal Photographs
"Wildlife Photographer of the Year" by Tim Laman, 2016 This photograph captures a young orangutan scaling a tree in the Indonesian rainforest. The image is striking, with the vivid green foliage contrasting against the orangutan’s bright orange fur. The photograph was taken by Tim Laman, a renowned wildlife photographer who has dedicated his career to capturing the beauty of the natural world.
"Grizzly Bear and Cubs" by Paul Nicklen, 2014 In this photograph, Paul Nicklen captures the tender moment between a grizzly bear and her two cubs as they emerge from their den. The image is both heartwarming and fierce, showcasing the strength and vulnerability of these incredible creatures. Nicklen is known for his stunning wildlife photography, and this image is a testament to his skill and dedication.
"Elephant Family" by Nick Brandt, 2011 This haunting photograph by Nick Brandt captures a family of elephants standing in the midst of a barren landscape. The image is both beautiful and tragic, highlighting the destructive impact of human activity on the natural world. Brandt is known for his powerful images of African wildlife, and this photograph is a poignant reminder of the urgent need to protect these creatures from extinction.
"Polar Bear" by Ole Jørgen Liodden, 2013 This striking photograph by Ole Jørgen Liodden captures a polar bear standing on a melting ice floe in the Arctic. The image is both beautiful and heartbreaking, showcasing the devastating impact of climate change on the natural world. Liodden is a renowned wildlife photographer and conservationist, and this photograph is a powerful call to action to protect the fragile Arctic ecosystem.
"Chimpanzee in the Wild" by David Chancellor, 2016 In this photograph, David Chancellor captures a chimpanzee in the wild, staring directly into the camera with a look of intense curiosity. The image is both captivating and unsettling, highlighting the complex relationship between humans and our primate relatives. Chancellor is known for his thought-provoking wildlife photography, and this image is a testament to his skill and vision.