CYCLAMENS (2023) Digital Arts by Gérard Esquerre

Digital Arts, 80x120 cm
Price: Free Shipping
Trustpilot Excellent
Shipping from: France (Box or cardboard packaging) Ships within 2 days
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Max resolution: 14173 x 9449 px
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Sold by Gérard Esquerre

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
Mounted on Wood Stretcher frame
This artwork appears in 4 collections
Certaines images s'imposent. En voyant un parterre de cyclamen l'artiste est séduit : il faut qu'il garde ces impressions en mémoire. Quelques esquisses puis la peinture numérique donne naissance à un fichier qui est tiré sur toile tendue sur châssis de bois ou sur aluminium par Subligraphie, autre procédé d'impression remarquable[...]
Certaines images s'imposent. En voyant un parterre de cyclamen l'artiste est séduit : il faut qu'il garde ces impressions en mémoire.
Quelques esquisses puis la peinture numérique donne naissance à un fichier qui est tiré sur toile tendue sur châssis de bois ou sur aluminium par Subligraphie, autre procédé d'impression remarquable pour la force du rendu des couleurs.
(Le prix est alors de 2200 € pour le même format).
D'autres formats sont possibles.
Livraison une semaine après la commande.

Related themes

Art ContemporainArt DigitalPeinture NumériqueTirage Par SubligraphieFleurs

Automatically translated
Gérard Esquerre is a French multidisciplinary artist. As a painter, sculptor, graphic designer and photographer, he defines himself as a plastic artist, working with the[...]

Gérard Esquerre is a French multidisciplinary artist. As a painter, sculptor, graphic designer and photographer, he defines himself as a plastic artist, working with the most varied techniques and materials.

His works are at the same time figurative and abstract, and the real meaning of each work being most often located at the confluence of these two major trends. Thus such painting, such sculpture which seems abstract at first sight could well have been inspired by perfectly concrete elements which the eye or the imagination of the spectator will end up guessing. For Esquerre, it is the gap between reality and its representation that creates the work of art. The technical means are put at the service of this alchemy.

Gérard Esquerre was born in Bordeaux, France.

The Artist was highlighted in an article in Artmajeur Magazine:

See more from Gérard Esquerre

View all artworks
Digital Arts | Several sizes
On Request
Sculpture - Metals | 41x9x8 cm
Sculpture - Metals | 57x31x18 cm
Acrylic on Canvas | 73x54 cm


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