개구리 (2016) Sculpture by Dongbeom I

Sculpture - Stone, 52x70x22 cm
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Sold by Dongbeom I
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Sold by Dongbeom I

One of a kind
Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 3 collections
작품에 도형과 몬드리안 표등 평소에 머릿속에 담아 두었던 이야기들을 도형과 선으로서 단순화 시키고 또한 동물의 다양한 동작과 형태를 재미있게 풀었다. About this artwork: Classification, Techniques & Styles Stone Sculpture[...]
작품에 도형과 몬드리안 표등 평소에 머릿속에 담아 두었던 이야기들을 도형과 선으로서 단순화 시키고 또한 동물의 다양한 동작과 형태를 재미있게 풀었다.
Automatically translated
Lee Dong-beom, a contemporary sculptor hailing from South Korea, embarks on a unique artistic journey that seamlessly fuses the elegance of the sphere with the vibrant presence[...]

Lee Dong-beom, a contemporary sculptor hailing from South Korea, embarks on a unique artistic journey that seamlessly fuses the elegance of the sphere with the vibrant presence of various animals. His sculptural creations go beyond mere figures, striving to maximize formative beauty through the transformative power of spheres and a kaleidoscope of colors.

The artist's exploration of the sphere serves as a metaphor for the Earth and the space we inhabit, expressing the coexistence of diverse animals on this shared sphere. In Lee Dong-beom's hands, the sphere becomes a canvas for simple, yet realistic and humorous depictions of the creatures that temporarily inhabit and share our world. Through vivid contrasts and splendorous colors, each sculpture tells a story, capturing attention and fostering an understanding that is both accessible and enjoyable.

Lee Dong-beom's solo exhibitions and participation in art fairs showcase the breadth of his artistic endeavors, drawing attention to his distinctive approach to sculptural expression. His 2023 solo exhibition at the Daejeon International Art Show, held at the Daejeon Convention Center, exemplifies his commitment to presenting meaningful and enjoyable works that resonate with a wide audience. Over the years, Lee Dong-beom has been a featured artist at various exhibitions and art fairs, including the Seoul International Sculpture Festa, Sejong Art Market, and several solo exhibitions such as "The Story Of Circles & Spheres" and "The story of coexistence with spheres."

See more from Dongbeom I

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Sculpture - Plastic | 52x26x20 cm
Sculpture - Aluminium | 93x82x80 cm
Sculpture - Resin | 62x60x36 cm
Sculpture - Plastic | 29x29x20 cm


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