667 Fotografie originali in vendita:
Acquistare opere sul tema del " Paesaggio marittimo "
L'oceano, con il suo universo decisamente iconografico, ha sempre affascinato gli artisti, siano essi pittori o fotografi... un mondo sinonimo di ignoto, di bellezza, di misteri, di pericoli, di avventure... Preso dal cielo, da una barca, o da la riva, le fotografie del mare e degli oceani sono spesso concepite come un vero e proprio invito al viaggio. Il sole che tramonta all'orizzonte, la schiuma delle onde che si infrangono su uno scoglio, la bellezza delle spiagge di sabbia finissima alla fine del mondo, la maestosità delle barche che navigano sul mare… Tante immagini magnifiche che i fotografi di paesaggi marini immortalano in le loro fotografie con le loro macchine fotografiche.
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Esplora tutti gli stili e le tecniche della fotografia artistica: fotografie contemporanee, street-art, arte astratta, arte figurativa, fotografie di paesaggi, light painting, fotografia cinematografica, fotografia digitale, fotografia in bianco e nero... Artmajeur si rivolge a tutte le sensibilità artistiche e celebra la bellezza al tuo fianco da 20 anni con più di 2 milioni di opere d'arte contemporanea da scoprire... o acquisire! Il riferimento mondiale per le fotografie artistiche contemporanee. Scopri le opere di artisti contemporanei di tutto il mondo per arredare i tuoi interni con classe! Semplice amante dell'arte o collezionista confermato? Trova la fotografia o l'istantanea preferita che migliorerà davvero la tua decorazione. Artmajeur ti offre opere originali, edizioni limitate e stampe d'arte dei migliori artisti fotografici contemporanei al mondo. Su Artmajeur, le fotografie artistiche sono selezionate da appassionati ed esperti del mercato dell'arte. Selezioniamo per te le opere originali di fotografi di tendenza, premiati e riconosciuti, nonché i nuovi valori emergenti nel campo dell'arte contemporanea per guidarti e aiutarti nel tuo processo di acquisto di fotografie d'arte online.
Discover contemporary Seascape Photographs on Artmajeur
Contemporary Seascape Photographs captivate viewers with their awe-inspiring beauty and captivating landscapes. These photographic works of art are captured on various types of supports, including canvas, metal, and acrylic.
Origins and History
Seascape photography emerged as a genre in the late 19th century, when the advent of photography allowed artists to capture the beauty of the ocean and its surroundings.
Evolutions of theses works in the contemporary art market
Contemporary Seascape Photographs have undergone a significant evolution in recent years. These images, which capture the beauty and power of the sea, have moved beyond traditional representations of tranquil seascapes. Today, Seascape Photographs are imbued with a sense of drama and tension, reflecting the tumultuous nature of the ocean. The importance of these photographs in the contemporary art market cannot be overstated. Collectors are drawn to the way in which these images evoke emotions, from awe to fear, and the way in which they capture the raw power of nature. As such, Seascape Photographs have become highly sought after, with prices for the most exceptional examples reaching into the millions. As the popularity of these images continues to grow, it is clear that Seascape Photographs will remain a significant force in the contemporary art world for years to come.
Related Famous Artists
Contemporary artists who are well-known for their work about contemporary Seascape Photographs include David Doubilet, Chris Burkard, and Edward Burtynsky.
David Doubilet, a prominent underwater photographer, is recognized for his captivating images that reveal the beauty and fragility of the ocean. He captures the essence of the marine world with his unique perspective and expert use of natural light. His work is a testament to the importance of ocean conservation and his love for exploring the depths of the sea.
Chris Burkard, another acclaimed photographer, captures the power and majesty of the ocean in his Seascape Photographs. He is renowned for his dramatic images of surfers braving massive waves and his ability to convey the raw beauty of nature through his lens. Burkard’s work celebrates the human connection to the ocean and the thrill of adventure.
Edward Burtynsky’s Seascape Photographs offer a unique perspective on the impact of human activity on the world’s oceans. His large-scale images capture vast seascapes that reveal the effects of climate change, pollution, and overfishing. Burtynsky’s work is a powerful reminder of the urgent need to protect our oceans and preserve them for future generations.
These artists use a variety of techniques and styles to capture the essence of the ocean in their Seascape Photographs. Their work is a testament to the beauty and power of the sea, and serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting this vital resource for future generations.
Notable contemporary Seascape Photographs
"First Light" by Michael Kenna, 2016, is a black and white photograph that captures the serene beauty of the ocean at dawn. The image features a lone rock formation rising from the water, with a soft misty atmosphere that adds to the tranquil mood.
"Breaking Wave" by Clark Little, 2014, is a dynamic photograph that captures the sheer power of the ocean. The image features a massive wave crashing down on the shore, with water droplets suspended in mid-air creating a dramatic and intense scene.
"Sea of Clouds" by Hiroshi Sugimoto, 2014, is a stunning photograph that portrays a dreamlike seascape. The image features a foggy horizon that blends seamlessly into the cloudy sky, creating a sense of infinite space and peacefulness.
"Waterfall Bay" by Paul Nicklen, 2012, is a breathtaking photograph that captures the beauty of a remote bay in Antarctica. The image features an iceberg floating in the turquoise water, surrounded by stunning rock formations and a majestic waterfall.
"Atlantic Ocean" by Chris Burkard, 2015, is a mesmerizing photograph that captures the raw power and beauty of the ocean. The image features a massive wave towering over a lone surfer, showcasing the courage and determination required to ride such a wave.