Pushkin (2023) Photography by Ivan Cheremisin

Photography, 119x84 cm
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Sold by Ivan Cheremisin

Artwork signed by the artist
Certificate of Authenticity included
This artwork appears in 4 collections
The wind blows across the sea And the boat speeds up; He runs in the waves With sails raised Past the steep island, Past the big city: The guns are firing from the pier, The ship is ordered to land. About this artwork:[...]
The wind blows across the sea
And the boat speeds up;
He runs in the waves
With sails raised
Past the steep island,
Past the big city:
The guns are firing from the pier,
The ship is ordered to land.

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Ivan Cheremisin is an Indonesian photographer born in 1988. He has been practicing photography for more than ten years and has explored all its types, from reportage (photographing parties in nightclubs or[...]

Ivan Cheremisin is an Indonesian photographer born in 1988. He has been practicing photography for more than ten years and has explored all its types, from reportage (photographing parties in nightclubs or urban events) to wedding photography (sometimes the only source income for a regional photographer), through advertising photography for brands. This is how he came to artistic photography, which allows him to convey his own thoughts. In addition to the beauty that surrounds him, he expresses his inner experiences and his own position in life. He works both in the studio and in the field.

Ivan Cheremisin has already organized several individual exhibitions. It was after these that he decided to sell his works of art all over the world. His photography is a personal expression of his artistic vision. He uses his technical knowledge and skills to create images that convey his ideas, emotions and experiences.

Ivan Cheremisin lives and works in Indonesia. He continues to develop his artistic practice and seek new ways to express his vision through photography. His passion for the art of photography is visible in every image he produces.

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Photography | 84x119 cm
Photography | 119x84 cm
Photography | 119x84 cm
Photography | 119x84 cm


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